
Keto for Beginners – Free Keto Meal Plan Week 2

Welcome to Keto For Beginners – Week 2

Welcome to keto for beginners. It’s time for the keto meal plan for week 2 of your keto diet. If you are just starting, please read and follow my Week 1 Meal Plan first, and then come back to this one!

It’s important to remember that I’m NOT a doctor, nutritionist or dietitian. I’m just a musician/Youtuber who has experience with keto—so please do not take any of this as medical advise. If you have pre-existing conditions, please consult your doctor or a qualified professional before doing anything. This is simply a resource for people who are looking for tips while on a low carb diet. So, please treat this as a disclaimer before proceeding. It’s always a good idea to see a doctor before making any major change that can potentially affect your health. Enjoy the video below and then carry on reading!

Free Keto Meal Plan

Keto For Beginners: Quick Recap – What Is Keto?

Keto is short for ketogenic. On the keto, or standard ketogenic diet, the body switches from using glucose for fuel to using ketone bodies. This switch occurs when the body is deprived of carbohydrates. You put your body in the metabolic state of ketosis. You do this by reducing your carb intake. The ketone bodies use fat for fuel. Which is what makes keto a low-carb diet and high-fat diet. Since fat becomes the primary source of energy its a high fat diet. Now, high fat doesn’t mean you’re going to be drinking olive oil from the bottle. It just means that a larger part of your daily calorie intake will come from fats. You also want to consume healthy fats.

More Basic Keto Information

If you’re looking for an easy way to learn more about this, check out my common guide to keto questions blog.Please make no mistake, keto is not some magic diet. It works on the same principle as all other diets, which is when you eat in calorie deficit you lose weight. If you have any medical conditions such as diabetes, fatty liver, kidney issues, or heart disease, please consult a doctor before doing any diet. People often ask if there are any side effects of the Keto diet. The truth is if you’re a normal healthy person and you follow the diet properly and eat healthy by consuming mostly whole foods, chances are you should have no issues. Like any other diet, if followed properly and you’re just eating junk all the time, yes there can be issues.

Keto For Beginners: Can Keto Be Done Long Term?

Yes, keto can be done long term. The real question you have to ask yourself is, can you do it? Because diets are very individual and there is no one size fits all. The best way to know is to try it and give it a fair shot. Keto is the kind of diet that helps control hunger because of the kind of food you end up eating. It’s a great way to kill cravings. Keto means you are going to be cutting out all kinds of grains, rice, bread, pasta and even starchy vegetables. Mostly all this is replaced by cauliflower. I mean we’ve got cauliflower pizza, burger buns, mashed potato, etc. It’s a rock star vegetable.


Keto is also known to help with blood sugar levels, cholesterol, insulin levels, blood pressure, and other things. But most of this is anecdotal, and since I’m not a doctor, I’d say do your own research and speak to a professional.

Keto For Beginners: Food Substitutes & Information

The Food scale

As I mentioned in the video, this is one of the most important tools in the kitchen. It’s a friend for life, it’s super accurate and it’s affordable. You can generally switch between grams and ounces on it as well. The scale I use at home has been my friend for six years now. So click here to purchase one or just buy it from any store you like. You can also try this food scale as an option. For all my Indian viewers, I’ve made a separate Shopping Guide for Indians which you can refer to.

Now that you’ve started keto it’s time to take the next step: Exercise. It is in fact important and I encourage you to start moving. Exercise doesn’t mean going to the gym. It can be anything. You can start by simply going for a walk, maybe cycle, or perhaps even dance for an hour. I personally LOVE drummin. It’s a proper cardio workout. Drumming for an hour a day not only gives me a good workout, it also de-stresses me. So, pick a workout and start doing it. If you are short on time I would recommend doing HIIT workouts as they are quick and get the most burn for buck. I also recommend the Nike app, or the one I personally use, 8Fit. You can start from the beginner level and then keep going from there.

More on Exercise

But why? So apart from exercise being good for you, there is more. My aim with the exercise is to build you BMR. In layman’s terms, your body needs a certain amount of calories a day just to exist. Now when you do Keto for the most part you end up eating less than you need and as you do that the BMR drops because the human body is amazing. It’ adjusts itself to your eating since when you eat less than you burn that’s effectively starvation for your body. So when you exercise you will counter the BMR dropping because we don’t really want it to drop too low. Hopefully I’ve explained this properly but I think you get the idea.

Measure Yourself

Too many people obsess over the weighing scale. I’ve done a full video on this too which can be found here. The truth is your weight loss progress is not always on the scale. Sometimes you might not lose weight but you lose inches. Sometimes your body composition might be changing. There is also something called the ‘whoosh effect’ (more on that later). For women, hormones and periods play a big part in weight fluctuating. So, this is another reason it is important not to obsess over the number on the scale. It’s also why I say weigh yourself just once a week. In short, get that tape measure out, check your waist, arm, neck and butt size and keep a track of that instead. You know that saying, good things come to those who wait? Same can be said for eating better and getting more exercise. Sometimes it might not be what’s on the scale but it’s in how you feel.

Keto For Beginners: The Menu

Here is a quick, easy keto meal plan for you to consider as you get started.

Keto for beginners - breakfast

BreakfastSpinach and feta omelet with bacon (that’s optional). Like I mentioned in the video, if you skip the bacon, just start with some avocado oil, butter, ghee or lard in the pan and cook the eggs. You can use almost any cheese that you like in place of feta, they are all fine. If you don’t like spinach you can use mushrooms, bell peppers, or any vegetable really. The idea is to get a good balance of things. You can also use turkey bacon though that won’t have any fat so you’ll need something to fry it in. You could also use some ground meat as well in the omelet.

Keto for beginners - lunch

Lunch – Bunless burgers or hamburger steaks with cheese and broccoli. Simple and delicious. When it comes to meat, if you don’t eat beef then just use pork, chicken, veal, venison, etc. Basically any ground meat works fine. Season with salt and pepper, pan fry, top with cheese. I seasoned my broccoli with ‘everything bagel’ seasoning. You can season it with anything you like from turmeric to cumin to paprika to cayenne pepper, they are all ok.

If you want to make your own everything bagel seasoning then it’s onion powder, garlic powder, poppy seeds. salt and both black and white sesame seeds. I don’t know the proportions but just add equal parts for a fairly good spice blend. Now if you don’t like broccoli you can use asparagus, brussel sprouts, spinach, cabbage, etc. Any Keto veggies will be fine. Vegetarians can use paneer instead of meat. Season the paneer, pan fry it in butter, and then melt some cheese over it. Like little paneer burgers. You could use tofu too.

In the video I mention not to throw the broccoli stem. There are 3 uses for it. You can make my broccoli cheddar soup. You can cut the stalk into cubes and boil it and use it like a fake potato in my Keto poha recipe. And you can use it to thicken your sauces by boiling it and then blending it into a puree like I did in my Keto pot roast recipe.

Keto for beginners - snack

Snack – My version of the classic Italian Caprese salad. Since this is a vegetarian dish, your vegetarian friends of mine are sorted. There aren’t too many replacements here to be honest. Just that if you can’t get bocconcini and cherry tomatoes you can use fresh mozzarella and regular tomatoes. However, if you’re looking for another good option, an alternative to this would be cheddar cheese or cream cheese if you can’t find fresh mozzarella. Now, if for some reason you don’t want this, you can always go back to the ham and cheese lettuce roll ups from last week’s keto meal plan.

Keto for beginners - dinner

DinnerPan roasted chicken in a creamy curry sauce with green beans. I think by now you must have figured out that any meat can replace another meat. So, you can do this recipe with pork, beef, lamb, venison, crocodile, emu, etc, etc. Always try and get a nice fatty cut if possible. If you can’t get the skin on boneless chicken that I got, you can also do this with bone in chicken or chicken breast as well. If you don’t like green beans, once again, it’s the same replacements like spinach, broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts.


Now as for the curry powder. You can just buy the one I recommend. However the one I use has the following ingredients, so you can just mix them all and make your own. Turmeric (34%), Coriander seed (30%), Fenugreek seed (12%), pepper (10%), cinnamon (8%), chili (3%), cumin seed (2%) and galangal (Thai ginger) (1%). Alternatively you can use the same recipe and replace curry powder with some paprika, cayenne pepper, cumin and turmeric. Should do just as well.

Vegetarian-Friendly Options

Good news, this for vegetarians as well. For vegetarians, paneer and halloumi are good options once again as a replacement for chicken. You could also use eggplant to replace chicken. So pan fry the eggplant in butter or avocado oil and then make the curry sauce. So it’s basically eggplant steaks with green beats and curry sauce.

Keto For Beginners: Additional Info

Drink Water

Make sure you stay hydrated. Drink at least two liters of water during the day as your body doesn’t retain water on keto. This might also lead to a very quick weight loss during the first week. Don’t get too excited—it’s probably just water weight. But keep a bottle with you at all times and keep sipping.

Salt your food

Given that your body isn’t retaining water, you will also be short on your electrolytes—that’s sodium, potassium and magnesium. You can always take a supplement for these but you still want to be generous with the salt on your food. Try to get some good quality salt. Sea salt and pink salt are all good. You can also get some low sodium salt which is a great source of potassium.

Prepare for the Keto flu

Don’t panic. It’s nothing serious. You might just feel ‘bleh’ for a couple of days as your body adapts to keto. This is normal. Sometimes people also get headaches or feel fatigue. Some have compared them to flu-like symptoms but more mild. After all, this is new for your body. Whenever you try to lose weight it often results in us not feeling optimal. 


An easy way to help remedy these symptoms is to take supplements to replenish your electrolytes. And, as I mentioned above, make sure you have enough salt in your food. Both the low sodium salt and regular salt. Sometimes you can drink a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon juice and salt. This stuff helps. However, after a day or two of this, you should be fine as your body slowly adapts to your new diet. Unfortunately, there is no easy way around it otherwise.

Get Some Fiber Powder

While I never experienced this myself, some people do get constipation. Which is why it’s not a bad idea to buy a fiber supplement just until your body adjusts to these new keto diet changes. Generally, eating a reasonable amount of vegetables like kale, zucchini and broccoli can help. Now, don’t worry about carbs from vegetables too much. I’ve always counted net carbs which is the total carbs minus the fiber. I feel that makes the most sense. It’s easier than to stick to your macros as well and eat well rounded healthy meals.

Keto For Beginners: Other Food Information

Now, if you’re dairy free I’ve given you a couple of options with most of the menu. We try and keep it moderate protein but don’t stress about going over your protein macros it’s no big deal. Artificial sweeteners are fine to use for your coffee and tea and even in keto desserts. I generally like to stick to stevia and erythritol. I do not recommend buying or chugging MCT oil from the bottle. You can consume nuts like walnuts and almonds for snacks but I’ve not included them because they are fairly high calorie items. Lots of people can go through 500 calories worth of nuts without even realizing it.

Keto For Beginners: Grocery List

Here is a helpful shopping list to help you stock your fridge with keto friendly staples. Just edit the quantities based on your appetite. If you have left over food you can always freeze it for up to a full month. This will come in handy if you don’t have much time and/or have a busy schedule and just need to pop something in the microwave. Double check if you have any of these things left over from last week’s meal prep before buying fresh stuff.

  1. Eggs
  2. Bacon (Optional)
  3. Baby Spinach
  4. Feta Cheese
  5. Pink Salt
  6. Black Pepper
  7. Heavy Whipping Cream
  8. Red Chilli Flakes
  9. Salted Butter
  10. Dried Oregano (or fresh will do too)
  11. Ground Beef (80-20)
  12. Cheese Slice or just your fav cheese, Cheddar block is good
  13. Gherkins (optional and you want to look for one with no sugar or minimal sugar content)
  14. Bocconcini
  15. Cherry Tomatoes
  16. Basil Leaves
  17. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  18. Balsamic Vinegar
  19. Boneless Chicken legs with Skin on (you can also just get bone in skin on chicken thighs or any chicken really)
  20. Green Beans
  21. Avocado Oil/Ghee/Coconut Oil (for cooking)
  22. Curry Powder
  23. Cheddar Cheese
  24. Spring Onion
  25. Garlic

That should cover everything. Adjust the quantities based on how much you are going to eat. For example, if you eat 2 eggs a day then that’s 14 eggs you need in total. If you eat say 3 slices of bacon a day and a packet has 12 slices then buy 2 packets. You get the idea. And just a reminder for my Indian viewers, check my Shopping guide for Indians for suggested brands.

Keto for Beginners chicken

Keto For Beginners: Cooking for 7 days!

The breakfast and the snack recipes listed above are single servings—and are things you can whip up in no time. You can of course multiply the recipes and get your cooking done well in advance. The lunch recipe makes two servings as does the dinner. My best recommendation is to get your cooking done on one day for the entire week. At least for lunch and dinner. You can easily reheat them in the microwave. Anyway, I leave it up to you. Enjoy the meal plan!


So, that’s all folks. I hope you find this Keto For Beginners — Week 2 guide helpful. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. And if you don’t want to miss out on any new recipes, stay updated by following me over on Instagram.


Keto for Beginners - Episode 2

Keto for Beginners - Free Keto Meal Plan

A complete Keto meal plan to get your started
4.37 from 19 votes
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 3 hours
Course Breakfast, Main Dish, Snack
Cuisine American, Asian, British, General, Italian


Breakfast - Spinach and Feta Omelet

  • 3 Eggs
  • 3 Rashers bacon Optional
  • 50 grams Feta Cheese
  • 100 grams Baby Spinach
  • 1 Tbsp Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 1/2 Tsp Dried Oregano
  • 1/2 Tsp Black Pepper
  • 1 Tbsp Butter
  • 1/4 Tsp Red Chilli Flakes
  • Salt to Taste
  • 1 Tbsp Avocado Oil If not using bacon

Lunch - Hamburger Steak with Broccoli

  • 500 grams Beef
  • 500 grams broccoli
  • 1 Tsp Everything Bagel Seasoning I use this
  • 5 Slices Cheese
  • 1 Tbsp Avocado Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Butter
  • 50 ml Water
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 2 Slices Gherkins

Snack - HK's Caprese

Dinner - Pan Roasted Chicken with Curry Sauce and Green Beans



  • Crack the eggs into a bowl and season with the salt, pepper, dried oregano and add the heavy whipping cream and whisk well.
  • Then fry the bacon in a cold pan and once cooked to your liking remove and set aside. Then chop the bacon. If you skipping the bacon just heat your avocado oil in the frying pan.
  • In the residual bacon fat in the pan add the spinach and cook till it wilts down. Also season with a pinch of salt. Once wilted add in the butter and mix well.
  • Then pour in the eggs and mix so that the egg hits all parts of the pan and then turn the heat down to low and crumble in the feta cheese and top with the chopped bacon.
  • Cover with a lid and cook for about 4 minutes on a low heat till the egg is cooked all the way through. You can also fold the omelet if you like or even put the pan under the grill.
  • Once the egg is cooked, sprinkle the chilli flakes on top and enjoy. This 3 egg recipe is 1 serving.


  • Using your food scale portion out the meat for the burgers. Now you want to use 115-120g on average per patty. So when you buy 500grams of beef you can make 5 patties of 120g each. Every country sells different size packets so there is no standard but you can basically cook all the burgers in advance depending on how much ground beef you buy.
  • Once you weighed out your meat shape the patty by hand or in a burger mold. Season both sides of it with salt and pepper.
  • Heat the avocado oil in a cast iron skillet and when it's smoking hot lay down the burgers and cook for 3-4 minutes till a beautiful crust develops. Use a medium-high heat to cook. When one side is done flip it over, lay the cheese slices on the patty and cover and cook with the lid on for 2-3 minutes so the cheese melts. Remove the patty and set aside.
  • Remove any excess oil from the pan and throw in the broccoli along with the water and cover and cook till the broccoli is nice and tender. Add in the butter and everything bagel seasoning and give it a good mix.
  • Serve the burger patties and broccoli. Now 2 burger patties plus about 1/2 the broccoli should be sufficient for 1 serving which is what you will eat. Keep the left overs for the next day. Top the burger patties with gherkins if you like. Jalapenos is also an option.


  • Cut the cherry tomatoes and the bocconcini into halves and also chop the basil by placing the leaves on top of each other, then rolling them and then chopping it.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of olive oil with 1 tsp of balsamic vinegar and salt to taste in a bowl and whisk till emulsified. Add in the cheese, tomatoes and basil and mix well.
  • Enjoy the salad. This recipe is for 1 serving of the salad, you can make a bigger batch and use as required.


  • Season the skin side of the chicken with salt and set aside for 15 minutes. This draws out some of the moisture from the skin making it super crispy. Also prep your green beans by chopping off the ends and cutting into halves. Prep the spring onion by cutting the white part, the middle part and the green part and keep them separately.
  • Heat the butter in a non stick skillet and once melted add in the green beans, season with salt and add some water.
  • Cover and cook with the lid on a medium heat for about 5 minutes or the beans are cooked to your liking. Once done set them aside and get on to cooking the chicken.
  • Heat the avocado oil in a pan and once it's smoking hot add the chicken in skin side down. Season the flesh side with salt and pepper and let it cook for 5 minutes on a medium-high heat without touching to ensure a delicious crispy skin.
  • Once done flip it over and cook for another 3-4 minutes and then set it aside to rest.
  • In the same pan now add the white part of the spring onion and the garlic and cook till the garlic starts to turn golden brown. Then add in the curry power and cook for 60 seconds.
  • Your chicken should have had some resting juices by now so pour that along with about 50ml of water and deglaze the pan. Add in the heavy whipping cream and grate the cheese in as well.
  • Now cook this down till it's to the thickness or your liking, Taste for seasoning and add in the middle part of the spring onion.
  • Serve the chicken with the curry sauce and green beans and finish with the green part of the spring onion. Ideally just throw that into the sauce as well.
  • This recipe makes about 2 servings. So half the sauce plus half the chicken and half the beans is 1 full meal. So this is basically 2 dinners.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

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  1. Hey there, we don’t have heavy whipping cream here in the Netherlands.
    Any tips on what I should watch out for when getting cream?

    1. We do: it is called slagroom. Every supermarket has it. Get organic (biologisch) if you can. Grass fed is probably not available (I never found it). In other words: heavy wipping cream = slagroom.

  2. Just started following u love ur recipes but wat my concern is on ur both episodes u haven’t mentioned nutritional values for meals as whole as u do on other recipes which can help us divide meals according to our requirements thank u

    1. This is super simple no macros plan for people just starting out. Since the ingredients are fairly simple you can just enter it anyway in your app as a custom recipe and save it. Because I’ve said eat as much as you need so I didn’t bother calculating macros because everyone will eat different quantities.

  3. Hey I am technically in my second week, but this was my first week with your meal plan! First of all, the recipes are fantastic. Not only have I know mastered cooking bacon, I have also mastered grilling chicken thanks to these recipes. I also love that I can now make guacamole so easily all the time! (I do add red chili flakes, and I have heard I should try adding cucumber). Just wanted to let you know my progress, so far I started in at 195, now I am 189 and falling! My macros are always consistently on point with your recipes, and my fitnesspal tells me by five weeks I should be 175 at the rate I am going! (I am 5’10). Thank you so much for these and I look forward to watching the remainder of these video for more great recipes!

  4. Im just starting out and im gonna start week one next week. I bought your cook book also. What kind of keto app would you recommend that is free or cost hardly anything that is good to calculate macros Thank You Michelle

    1. My fitness pal is what I use, it’s free. But I’ve heard of other apps that work well too like carb manager and life sum etc.

  5. Hi Sahil,
    I am on week 1..prepping for week 2..can i substitute the chicken for chicken wings with the bone? If so how many gms per meal?

    1. Yes you can. Like I said just eat a normal size portion based on your hunger. Don’t overeat. I’m sure you can guess what a normal size portion is for yourself. 🙂

  6. Sahil!
    Our household had the desire to lose weight but we lacked the simple meal plans. You make it look easy and we are doing great!
    Love the videos.
    Keep up the jibber jabbering , you rock
    Gerald, DeeJay and Sam

  7. Hi u didn’t leave the Marcos for any of these meals I would like to know how many calories and carbs for each meal

    1. Just input the raw ingredients for each meal based on how much you use since it’s just 3 ingredients.

  8. Hi Sahil,

    First of all, thank you soooo much for the inspirational videos. I was wondering, do i eat the same dishes you prepared in the video for a week and vary between the substitutes you have given in your text?

    1. Hi Najima, yes that’s exactly what you can do. However you can also use all 4 meal plans and rotate between them every 3-4 days for a full month. I just think sticking to 1 menu for a week just makes everything fall into place better and sets you up for success. I think when people mix up menus too much they always tend to go overboard.

      1. Hi, my husband and myself are going to start this tomorrow, however the cooked meals for lunch will be impossible to take to work as we can not warm them up any suggestions for lunch?

  9. This has been a huge help for me!!!
    I had started keto several weeks ago and began to feel really good, then i drank wine…oops and had some cake ….oh no!
    No can do on keto.
    So im back on day four and your recipes rock!!
    I love the ease of them.
    Thankyou thankyou and rock on dude!

  10. Hey you head banging nutter!!! 😉 I’m new to keto and older than I would like to be . 69 but I’m fit ,take no meds just a stone heavier than I would like to be . Plus this lockdown hasn’t done me any good . So I foud you and glad I did . Many thanks . Sue South Wales UK 💋

  11. Hi Sahil! Greetings from Miami, Florida (USA). I love your videos and your easy meal plan! Tomorrow I’ll be heading into day 4 of Week 1. I’m feeling good and am loving the meal plan. Seven days of eating the same thing makes it so convenient! Plus, the meals only require a few ingredients! I just watched the video for Week 2 (just curious to know what I can look forward to). I’m looking forward to the burger patties and caprese salad!! I’m hopeful that I’ll see some positive changes in my body by following your instructions. Stay tuned… (and thank you for all this wonderful advice!)

  12. Hi Sahil,

    I am so glad to have found this site, I love how everything is so well laid out and easy to follow. Also for my busy schedule the same meals for 1 week is convenient to keep up with. My daughter and I are presently on week 1 and will be starting week 2. I am excited to complete all 4 weeks and to make this a lifestyle. With these meals i am understanding how to keep on a keto diet. Looking forward to great results.
    I do have a 1 question on week 2, is it 2 patties per serving or 1 and the chicken thighs ?

    1. Serving size always depends on you and your appetite, but would always suggest starting with one piece of chicken and 1 patty and then give it 10 minutes after eating to see if you still feel hungry.

  13. Week 1 done and down 5 lbs!! Love the fact that I am never “starving”. Looking forward to the new recipes for week #2. Your videos are so informative and entertaining. Thanks from Canada!

  14. Hey!
    Do these meals apply to men and women regardless of weight and height? Shouldn’t food be weighed and controlled and follow your macros?

    1. Hi Tommy, they are the same. I’ve mentioned countless times in the video to eat according to how hungry you are. I have a Keto 101 series explaining how to count macros, portion your food etc. This is a simplified version for people who are still figuring out that part of Keto. So when I say eat as you need it means if you are a small man who needs 1 egg for breakfast eat 1 and not 2, if you are a bigger man and 2 isn’t enough, eat 3. You need to adjust the portion size for yourself. Hope that helps.

  15. Thank you for all that you do. Your program for beginners is what i needed, i was frustrated on what to do. And then i found you. Today is my 11th day i am DOWN 30 lbs as of this morning.

    Thank you…………

  16. I am on week 3 of your meal plan. Instead of looking at the jeans in my closet, I am finally wearing them! I won’t weigh myself until I feel I’m ready. As long as the clothes are loose, I know I’m doing something right. Thank you so much Sahil!

  17. Hi Sahil..
    This is Eulalia…thank you for the great yummmm recipes…
    I’ve finished my first week ..I lost about 3.5 kg till yesterday and then today I’ve weighed 500 GM’s more..don’t know where I went wrong.. but I was feeling pretty good when I work up in the morning….felt light….😇

    Thank you …

    1. Stop weighing yourself everyday. Weight fluctuates daily and especially for women there is a lot more of it since you deal with more hormonal issues. So relax. Weight yourself every Monday morning, same time, in your birthday suit and keep that as your progress chart.

  18. Sahil I am Jamican and currently live in Jamaica so am using your meal plan…but outside that I have other foods that we generally use in our diet that I want to know if I can incorporate without hurting my keto diet. Ackee is one such fruit that we use alot with cod fish. How could I use ackee in my keto diet. To be honest I have no idea of it properties so am a little clueless if it’s high in carbs or not.

    1. Just google the nutrition information and see how many carbs are there in it and see how you can fit that into the plan.

  19. Hi Sahil
    My husband and I decided to try the keto diet after I found your videos online – quite by accident. My husband says that he has been waiting for your films all his life 🙂 He is a musician – like you, and that is why he likes your films even more 🙂 You are such a hilarious, nice person 🙂 We have just finished the first week – it is great! My husband cooks more willingly than I do. I eat smaller portions (I’m not exercising – not yet :)), my husband eats larger portions – he goes to the gym 4-5 times a week for a bike – we feel great eating according to your recipes. Thanks for your commitment to introducing newbies to keto – it helps a lot. Sorry for my english, it’s not my native language 🙂 Greetings from Poland!

    1. Thank you for the kind words!! Please give my regards to your husband as well. It’s so cool that you are from Poland because that is where my new EP is being mixed and some of my fav bands are from Poland like Behemoth, Vader, Decapitated etc. 🙂

  20. Hi, Love your videos and have started the diet already. I just wanted to know if I could maybe skip dinner because I’ve lost my appetite.

  21. Hi Sahil. Thank you so much for this series. It has really been the most useful and easiest diet I’ve ever followed. I’m on week 2 going into week 3 on Monday and I had lost a couple of inches around my hips and bust when I measured on Monday so I know I’m on the right track. Can you please confirm if I can have my breakfast meal as my lunch if I skipped it as I wasn’t hungry? Also, I ate my snack twice in one day rather than having the dinner. Is that ok? The snack is just so delicious 😊. Thank you for all your help and for putting this together. You’re awesome.

  22. Hi Sahil,
    Thank you for this series. I had started kept on my own but was really struggling because there is so much contradictory information out there. You have made the process so much simpler. I followed your first week plan and today is my seventh day. I simply followed your plan and did not track my macros. Is that okay? I did lose 3 lbs so far!

    1. Yes for now that is fine. But like I say in the video please watch my Keto 101 series so by the time you are done with month 1 you can calculate your macros and track you food because you will need to do that. Wish you all the best.

  23. hello nice to meet you EVERYTHING IS PERFECT THANS FOR THAT,BUT where can I finde the macros of every 4 weeks.BE HAPPY AND HEALTY. THANKS

    1. I don’t calculate those. You can do it manually if you like but since this is a beginners dish and every human is different I haven’t bothered with it.

  24. Hi Sahil, firstly THANK YOU for doing this. I have a question on Week 2 – I had already tried (and failed) a few times at Keto (and many others, a long history as many of us), so I am quite savvy in MFP and logging. When I log this it is way over 2000 calories a day, when I am working towards much less than that based on my macros. I assume I just reduce a bit overall (2 eggs instead of 3, less burger, adjust the carbs – I can do that myself no problem, and like you suggest in the video) to retro fit to my macros, but since you are so fluent and wise in all of this I thought it good to ask if there was a reason this is more volume / calories than last week that I may have missed?

    1. Hi there, you are absolutely correct. You need to adjust the quantities based on your macros. The portion size eaten by the individual has to be self adjusted. Hope that helps. Also yes the lunch and dinner here is multiple servings so it’s not so much, you just adjust as per your requirement.

  25. Hello,
    Thank you so so much for your videos. I am so thankful I came across your video. I was on the fence about starting keto but was very intimidated by where to start. you inspired me! i am on my
    first week, and may i just say these recipes are so delicious. Can’t wait to see my progress at the end of the month 😊

  26. Thank you for these amazing recipes! I am so excited to start!! I watched all 4 weeks, printed and loved every week. I’ll let you know how it’s going. Sincerely, SueK

  27. Hi Sahil! I chanced upon your video on YouTube and found you to be hilarious that I just had to hit the subscribe button. Anyway, what I really liked about the meal plan was how simple yet delicious they are. I just followed everything on the video but was wondering about the calorie count. Thanks for your reply to some of the comments, I just found out that I still need to do some calculations 😩 I have a question, though that I have not seen in the comment… can I substitute your keto ice cream for your recommended snack?

    1. Hi Richie, you can probably do that no issue but stick to one scoop. So while calories do matter a lot of people get overwhelmed with the calculation and since many are coming from very high calorie diets just eating this way automatically helps them control calories. That’s why I made a month long plan like this so while you do this 4 weeks of Keto you can watch my 101 series and learn how to count your calories and log your foods. So it’s not overwhelming the amount of info. That was the whole idea. Hope that makes sense.

      1. Thank you so much, Sahil! I highly appreciate your immediate reply. May you continue to be a blessing to others like me who are struggling to find the right and sustainable healthy lifestyle. More power to you! 😁👍👍🤘

  28. Hello Sahil! You are a blessing with strong karma to help so many people! I have ordered your cookbook. I am in the spot of the last 6kg. I am female, 5’5” and 140 lbs, mostly belly fat. I am already very active. I used the ankerl calculator with the “moderately active” setting and it gave me 1539 calories, which I know is a daily average based on weekly activity. This is also based on a 15% calorie deficit. I am having trouble figuring out my requirements on a daily basis because some days I am very sedentary and other days I am climbing for 1-4 hours on a long trek or bicycle ride. How would you handle this for calories on the different activity levels per day? Would you cut back on the sedentary days and leave it at 1539 on active days? Or would you boost calories on active days relative to the level? Or would you try to do calories evenly everyday, no matter what? I am trying to keep the metabolic fire stoked, not starve myself or sabotage all the hard work! I don’t expect an answer but I would definitely value your perspective! Many thanks! 🙏🙏🙏

    1. I would keep the 1539 calories exactly the same, try it for 1-2 weeks. If the weight is not moving I would not worry too much but I’d just drop it by 100 calories or add in maybe 30 minutes of activity on the other days. Sadly the belly fat is the absolute LAST to go and you have to get REALLY LEAN for that to happen. I have the same problem. I am now maybe 30% body fat and unless I get down to nearly 20 it won’t happen. So don’t worry take your time with this, slow and steady it will happen but you will have to push yourself out of your comfort zone at some point.

  29. James B
    Sahil! Will the Kato diet work for me ,ihave type 2 diabetes and I am over weight I take insulin will this plan work for me. Thanks

  30. Hi I am watching you on utube help me I don’t eat curry what can I use for those meals I’m trying to stick with the 7 day plan.

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