
How to Workout on Keto: Tips for Success


How to Workout on Keto: Tips for Success

Changing your diet or lifestyle can be a challenge to start. Being equipped with the most knowledge and tools for success is an important foundation to have to see the results you’re looking for. If you’re seeking keto-specific guidance, there are key factors that can play a large part in how well you do when on a standard keto diet. For the average person, working out on a ketogenic diet is the first helpful step to success—but knowing how to work out is an even more vital component. 


Best Way to Workout on a Low-Carb Diet

If you’re not a fan of high intensity workouts, I have good news! It’s been found that low intensity workouts, but steady ones, are the best when working out on keto! This is said to be the best way to get the most out of your keto journey. This is called LISS (Low Intensity, Steady States). Low intensity workouts can consist of jogging, biking, yoga, or even rowing. This should help get your metabolism jump started into an improved state.


Aerobic exercise is okay as well but high-intensity. In general, a good rule of thumb is to just get moving, because once you start to form this habit it should get easier as you go. The type of exercise may not matter too much if you’re just getting started.


If you want to focus on strength training for muscle gain, this shouldn’t be an issue. When you’re restricting your calories, or consuming less because of cutting out carbs, muscle mass is often one of the first things to go. So a little weight training isn’t a bad thing. It is important to note that you may experience an increase in weight because you are gaining muscle mass—although it should be too much.

Keto Diet Benefits

While studies are still being done in this arena, some studies have shown being on a long-term ketogenic diet can lead to burning up to 2 to 3 times more body fat while working out on average. Since the keto diet consists primarily of burning fat while in a state of ketosis, it’s very possible that this is why the body is burning more fat than before.


If you hope that a keto diet will help boost your performance when working out, there has been at least one study to show that it isn’t likely that it will impact your performance more than before. More studies need to be done in this field to understand how a ketogenic diet can impact performance.


Keep in mind when you drastically overhaul your diet to reduce carbs and entire ketosis, it can cause a lot of changes your body. It will need time to adjust. This can have varying effects from person to person.


Potential Drawbacks of Keto

There are a couple of things you should at least be aware of when changing your diet or lifestyle. First, it’s always a good idea to speak to your medical professional to ensure this is a good plan for you and your specific needs. Your overall health is most important. 


An important factor to be aware of is something keto dieters call “keto flu”. It’s a temporary side effect when you start a ketogenic diet when your body adjusts to the changes. This can look like nausea, brain fog, irritability, difficulty sleeping, headaches, and/or constipation. These are not long term symptoms. You could think of it as a good thing, because then you’d at least know that you better has entered a state of ketosis, and it should be working!


Combatting Keto Flu

These tips will help you decrease your chance of getting hit hard with keto flu! For example, stay hydrated! Your water intake is important on average but especially when your body is going through a change like this. Getting enough water can is an easy, great way to make a huge difference.


Find a way to re-introduce electrolytes into your body can also be super helpful. When you lose water from your body, electrolytes may go with it. The human body needs essential nutrients and electrolytes to stay in its best condition. So you want to ensure you’re not depleting them without restoring them.


You also want to make sure you don’t go overboard with your calorie restriction. Get the right amount of healthy fats to replace where your carb intake was prior. Without this, you’ll be experiencing low energy. Eat a well-balanced, high-fat diet can help with nausea and restoring energy levels. 


One of the best things you can do for yourself is take the time to figure what works for you. Listen to your body and ensure it has everything it needs to thrive. 


Has this article helped you learn more about working out on keto? Need more keto tips or recipes to help you along your journey to keto success, be sure to check out my Youtube and Instagram too! 

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