Meat options for Keto By Headbangers Kitchen
I eat pretty much anything that moves and is edible.
In most cases you can substitute the meat if you don’t eat something in particular. Any and every animal/bird meat is Keto.
That means cows, bulls, buffalo, ox, reindeer, regular deer, pig, wild boar, kangaroo, camel, horse, snake, crocodile etc.
All seafood is fine, so any kind of fish, squid, octopus, oysters, prawns. I think you get the idea.
What you want to keep in mind is using the fatty cuts of meat and where possible keep the skin on. You want to not go in for the ‘lean meat’ but if you have no option it’s fine to use.
What you want to keep in mind is using the fatty cuts of meat and where possible keep the skin on. You want to not go in for the ‘lean meat’ but if you have no option it’s fine to use.
When it comes to cold cuts and sausages is where you really have to be aware. You want to try and find products with the least amount of ingredients.
So you need to start reading ingredient and nutritional labels of food from here on out.
Stay safe and Horns up people.